How to motivate kids to do chores


There’s a lot of jobs that need doing around the house. It’s only fair that the kids pitch in to help. But motivating them to complete chores is not a simple task!

How to teach kids to say sorry in a meaningful way


Adults often force children to say sorry after a fight or incident with other children. But there are better ways for our children to learn about owning their mistakes and learning to say sorry meaningfully.

Are you being a good friend?


Friendships are pivotal in our lives but they’re not always easy. Whether you’re an adult or a child, being a good friend is a skill which sometimes takes practice. But it’s definitely worth it!

How to deal with bullies at school


Bullying is a serious issue that can have devastating effects on the lives of children. Most of the time it happens at school when we’re not there to see it. Schools have policies and procedures around bullying, but if your child was being bullied at school, would they know what to do about

Does your child play nicely with others?


Getting along well with others is an important skill for life. Not only do kids need to get along in the classroom and playground, but grown-ups need to get along with their work colleagues too.

Christmas Present Ideas for Educators


It’s almost that time of year when you need to start thinking about purchasing gifts for all the special people in your life. If you’ve got children you’ll want to say thank you to the people who have nurtured and educated them during the year like their teachers, sports coaches and OSHC and holiday care staff.

How to Survive Shopping with the Kids


Having to hit the shops with the kids is enough to strike fear into the heart of most parents. But what if it didn’t have to be a tiring and difficult experience?

Sharing the Art of Letter Writing


Letter writing is not only fun, but it is also great writing practice and gives your child plenty of time to work on their neatest handwriting.

The Importance of Imaginative Play


Imaginative play is not only a lot of fun but it’s also vital to childhood development and should be encouraged. It’s often seen during the toddler and preschool years but it’s still important for children in primary school to have time and space to play creatively.