Why Kids Need Carbohydrates


Working in OSHC is a rewarding and often challenging experience that can lead to a long, fulfilling career. If you’re finding yourself bored by your current role or no longer wanting to turn up to work each day, it might be time to consider whether you have outgrown your current OSHC job.

10 Questions To Ask That Gets Kids Talking About School


Working in OSHC is a rewarding and often challenging experience that can lead to a long, fulfilling career. If you’re finding yourself bored by your current role or no longer wanting to turn up to work each day, it might be time to consider whether you have outgrown your current OSHC job.

Creative Writing Prompts for Kids


Writing can be a great way to express creativity and explore ideas without having to follow a particular structure too closely. Once you’re ready to start writing, use these creative writing prompts to get your stories started.

Fill Up a Lunchbox with Love


Whether they are spending the day at school or at holiday care, you can bring a smile to their face and let them know they are loved even though you are not together.

Body Positivity for kids: Why it’s Important


In a time where diet-culture is at an all-time high, it’s important we teach our kids about body positivity. This can help shape our kids into people who have a healthy relationship with their bodies and feel good about themselves right into adulthood.

Perform a Health Check on your OSHC


If you haven’t done it for a while, now’s the time to think about the health of your school’s OSHC. Have a think about your recent experiences with your service, pay them a visit and find out how healthy it really is.

Send your kids outside


While some screen time can have benefits for your child, spending too much time in sedentary activities is not good for their health or their growing brains.