5 Cool Costume Ideas for Book Week

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Each year the Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) holds a national book week celebration which coincides with the announcement of the CBCA Book of the Year Awards.

The week is celebrated in schools right across Australia and typically means you’ll need to organise an appropriate costume for the child in your life to wear to their school book week parade.

To help make your life a little bit easier, here are five easy costume ideas:

Zac Power

Zac Power is a child spy who completes exciting and dangerous missions. To dress up as Zac Power, you just need to look like a spy. Make an ID card and SpyPad out of cardboard and send your child off to school with a pair of black sunnies, a backpack and black clothing. Or you could mix it up and include one of Zac Power’s undercover costumes such as an astronaut or famous guitar player. You can make this one as complicated or as simple as you like. Check out the example here.

Harry Potter

Harry Potter is always a popular choice for Book Week and it falls within the theme again this year. You don’t have to dress up as Harry though – mix it up and dress up as another character from the wizarding world such as Hermione, Hagrid, Professor Dumbledore or even Dobby, the house elf. Every major toy or department shop will stock ready-made Harry Potter costumes (which makes your life a whole lot easier) or you can check out some DIY costume ideas here.

Captain Underpants

Captain Underpants is a cartoon superhero who accidentally becomes real and gains superpowers. To dress up as this unlikely hero you need to dress in tight clothing and put a large pair of white underpants over the top. Then tie a red cape around your neck and you’re ready to go. Check out some DIY costume instructions here.

Thelma the Unicorn

Thelma the Unicorn is a book about learning to love who you are, even if that doesn’t include sparkles. To become a unicorn, you only really need a horn, and you can either DIY one or purchase one from a shop. You could also include a tail if you want to add a little extra to your costume and you can add glitter at your peril.


Matilda from the classic Roald Dahl book is a little girl who loves reading and also has secret powers. Dress up as Matilda in a blue dress, add a ribbon to your hair and carry a pile of books. You can also check out the Matilda dress-up tips here.

Book week can be lots of fun for the kids but it’s not always easy coming up with costume ideas. Still not feeling inspired? Head over to Pinterest and view our TeamKids Book Week Inspiration for more costume ideas and inspiration.

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